Road to SuperCupNI – a special series of short reads for our 40th anniversary tournament.
We’re inviting teams to tell us a little about themselves, how preparations are going and what coming to Northern Ireland to participate in SuperCupNI means to them.
Next up in the series – Stevenage FC.

Paul Dale, Youth Development phase lead coach at Stevenage said:
“We are very much looking forward to the upcoming SuperCupNI 2023 football tournament.
We feel it will allow us to showcase our current U13s in a heavily competitive and highly prestigious competition.
This is the first football tour Stevenage FC Academy have run as a department, independent of any outside organisation.

We feel this will be an excellent opportunity for all our boys to experience the buzz of travelling as a group, staying in unfamiliar surroundings, and competing against team we wouldn’t ordinarily meet.
Our preparations have seen us play QPR, Watford and Colchester over a protracted summer programme, something that is also new to the boys.
The boys will get a week off before travelling to the tournament, hopefully this will allow them to recuperate and build the excitement of travelling to Northern Ireland to compete in, what technically would be, their first overseas tour.
Stevenage FC are looking forward to seeing you all in July.”